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Railay Beach, Thailand – Day 5

February 5, 2023

Today I planned to kayak the island, particularly around Phra Nang Beach. I wanted to explore some of the islands close to shore and see the beach from the water. Yesterday a worker told me they begin renting kayaks at 9:30am, so I got there at opening. Unfortunately the tide was the highest it’s been yet, and it slammed into the seawall on my walk there. Not the conditions I wanted to kayak in.

I walked the beach as I caught up on messages with Amy and Carrie, greatly enjoying the dialog we get to have many timezones apart.

The tide didn’t seem to dissipate as quickly as it did other days. And the wind and waves persisted. Some people braved the waters and took kayaks out, but they were all in pairs. I didn’t feel good about going solo with the water as it was, especially since I would have had to go into open water for the parts I wanted to explore. I should have kayaked yesterday instead of waiting! At least I’m not taking any boats today.

Phra Nang Beach, Railay Beach, Thailand

I swam a bit to cool off, then decided to switch to the beach on the west side of the island where the island should block the wind. On the way there, I stopped in my hotel for a little AC and booked my accommodations in Koh Lanta. All set for tomorrow’s departure.

Next I headed towards the Railay West Beach, stopping to get a light lunch on the way. Ordered the fruit platter. I can’t get enough of the fruit here!

Afterwards I decided it’s too hot for the beach. The sun is intense today, and my skin itches a bit from sun exposure. I’ll let the heat pass and come out in a couple of hours. I caught up on blog posts.

Around 6 I went out to Railay West Beach for sunset with the rest of the island. I passed Italian Michael in one of the bars on my way. 

Watching the sunset in the west I can see Koh Yao Noi, the last island before I go to Bangkok to fly out. The days seem to be going by a little quicker than in the beginning.

I walked up the street to Railay The Corner Restaurant. The main host stands in the walking street all day trying to usher people in. He’s as persistent as the women selling massages. 

For my last dinner here, I conceded, mostly convinced by the rotisserie chicken grilling right next to the street. It looks and smells amazing. I walked up the stairs to the second floor and ordered grilled chicken, rice and Tom Kha Kai soup. Thomas had recommended Tom Kha Kai soup, so I’ll find out if I like it.

The tallest buildings in Railay are two stories, not counting the hotels which might reach three or four. Most things are open air, unless they have air conditioning. In that case it’s enclosed. There are no drivable roads here, only walking streets. Every now and then a tuk tuk will drive through, but that’s a rare occurrence. I haven’t seen any other vehicles except tractors and boats.

Tractor delivering people and things to boats

Most of the shop owners live in their shops. Sometimes kids are playing towards the back or in the street out front, and other times a third/fourth grader takes my order. I point to the Thai words and she slowly and neatly writes the name and price.

The chicken is delicious. Tom Kha Kai is like drinking coconut milk. Heavy coconut flavor. Diluting it with rice is a must.

As I ate, the acoustic bar next door started up. They’re singing all the same songs I heard two nights ago, kicking off with Take Me Home, Country Roads. I thought about going there next, but I already heard this entire setlist and, let’s be honest, he’s not that good.

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