2022 Recap: Year End Finances and FI Friends

I have so much to say I'm not sure where to begin! One thing is certain, 2022 was one of the best years I can remember. While it involved lots of adventurous trips, the greatest reason for my satisfaction learning how to change priorities. In years past, I prioritized work and everything else that I thought I should do. I routinely deprioritized my immediate happiness for some future promise. While that paid off for me, I spent many unhappy years just trudging along. Now I am in a position to no longer let the *shoulds* take priority. In 2022 I started prioritizing self-care and choices that enhance my life. I…

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Are Index Funds Better than Stocks?

For investing newbies, one question always surfaces: are index funds better than stocks? Index funds have been growing in popularity for several decades. They are low cost, diversified investments that offer steady returns. Because they represent the entire market, there's little management required and acceptable risk. They simply generate returns on your investment. What is an Index Fund? An index fund is a collection of stocks that represent the market. There are many stock markets in the United States, but the big two are the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Nasdaq. Every publicly traded company in the U.S. belongs to a market. In addition to the NYSE and Nasdaq,…

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How to Start Investing in Index Funds

We've all heard the stories of how people invested some money, the stock took off, and now they're mega-rich living the high life. This has happened recently with many cryptocurrency investors. The less glamorous story happens much more often: someone bought a stock that was a "sure thing", invested a lot of money into it, and lost a lot of money. This has also happened recently with many cryptocurrency investors. Instead of looking at investment options that will drive such extreme results, we're going to focus on a more balanced, less risky way to start investing: index funds. Although index funds may not create headline-making returns, they are the primary…

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