How Squirrel Picnic Tables Brought Lessons in Abundance

As some of you know, I quit my big corporate job in 2019, shortly before Covid arrived. Covid came and wrecked my plans of travel, so I quickly found myself with a lot of time on my hands. I felt like I might as well have been working instead of taking Retirement 1.0. With so much extra time on my hands, I got a chance to dive into a business model I wanted to explore. I was very curious about Amazon FBA businesses that many people run out of their homes. I'm not talking about the retail / online arbitrage models. I wanted to know how to either make or…

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Mind Over Money: The Key to Achieving Wealth

"Mind over money: the key to achieving wealth." I know how cheesy that sounds. I should print posters to hang in guidance counselor offices. Regardless of how cheesy it sounds there is more truth in that statement than not. The key to achieving wealth is about the mental toughness it takes to make it happen. Finances are black and white. Math is either right or wrong. Yet, we struggle to make good financial decisions. This is because we haven't fully subscribed to what it means to be wealthy. Achieving wealth is about lifestyle more than it is about money. Money is just a tool to achieve the lifestyle we want.…

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