2022 Recap: Year End Finances and FI Friends

I have so much to say I'm not sure where to begin! One thing is certain, 2022 was one of the best years I can remember. While it involved lots of adventurous trips, the greatest reason for my satisfaction learning how to change priorities. In years past, I prioritized work and everything else that I thought I should do. I routinely deprioritized my immediate happiness for some future promise. While that paid off for me, I spent many unhappy years just trudging along. Now I am in a position to no longer let the *shoulds* take priority. In 2022 I started prioritizing self-care and choices that enhance my life. I…

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How a 401k Rollover to Vanguard Saved Me $260,000

After quitting my big corporate job, I had an item on my checklist that I wasn't sure how to tackle: rollover my 401k. Honestly, I didn’t care enough for it to make my to-do list. Why people rollover 401ks was lost on me. 7 months after I left the company my 401k was still invested, still growing. I still had access to it, and there were no penalties I’d encounter by leaving it where it was. So what was all the fuss about? Eventually I had enough time on my hands to take a closer look.  After some very basic research that took me about 15 minutes (20 if I…

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How to Start Investing in Index Funds

We've all heard the stories of how people invested some money, the stock took off, and now they're mega-rich living the high life. This has happened recently with many cryptocurrency investors. The less glamorous story happens much more often: someone bought a stock that was a "sure thing", invested a lot of money into it, and lost a lot of money. This has also happened recently with many cryptocurrency investors. Instead of looking at investment options that will drive such extreme results, we're going to focus on a more balanced, less risky way to start investing: index funds. Although index funds may not create headline-making returns, they are the primary…

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