
Before I booked my flight I really knew nothing about Singapore. I didn't plan to go there at all. I just happened to be able to get a better deal on my flight if I flew into Singapore then to Thailand. Flying one way from Cincinnati to Singapore cost only 40,000 United miles and around $10 in taxes. That's a heck of a deal. So in preparation, naturally I watched Crazy Rich Asians. Even though it's a fictional romcom it at least showed me something about Singapore. For the most part, I didn't see any of the ultra rich or exclusive locations shown in the movie. I was doing the…

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2022 Recap: Year End Finances and FI Friends

I have so much to say I'm not sure where to begin! One thing is certain, 2022 was one of the best years I can remember. While it involved lots of adventurous trips, the greatest reason for my satisfaction learning how to change priorities. In years past, I prioritized work and everything else that I thought I should do. I routinely deprioritized my immediate happiness for some future promise. While that paid off for me, I spent many unhappy years just trudging along. Now I am in a position to no longer let the *shoulds* take priority. In 2022 I started prioritizing self-care and choices that enhance my life. I…

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How Squirrel Picnic Tables Brought Lessons in Abundance

As some of you know, I quit my big corporate job in 2019, shortly before Covid arrived. Covid came and wrecked my plans of travel, so I quickly found myself with a lot of time on my hands. I felt like I might as well have been working instead of taking Retirement 1.0. With so much extra time on my hands, I got a chance to dive into a business model I wanted to explore. I was very curious about Amazon FBA businesses that many people run out of their homes. I'm not talking about the retail / online arbitrage models. I wanted to know how to either make or…

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