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Koh Phangan, Thailand – Day 1

January 22, 2023

I woke up to the daylight peaking through the creases of my eye mask. 8:15! Must’ve been tired.

Amy and I rode up to Sunset Beach for breakfast but the place didn’t open until 10. Beautiful location right on the beach though.

Breakfast at What’s Cup

We rode further north to What’s Cup and split eggs benedict with poached eggs and salmon and a Nutella/fruit crepe. Delicioso! We talked a lot about Amy’s upcoming event, the growth that comes with getting uncomfortable, and our intentions for our next event- ecstatic dance.

Held at Pyramid Yoga Center, ecstatic dance is something Amy’s raved about and I’ve never heard of. We rode up a big hill, parked the scooter, and walked up to a raised platform surrounded by a big mosquito net. We removed our sandals and climbed inside. 

This nearly 4 hour (!) dance begins slowly with meditative tones, then gradually increases in intensity. Before long everyone is fully expressing their energy, many people dancing like Josh Zak’s. I miss that guy. I also thought about how Diania and Carrie might really enjoy this.

At the end it slowly declines in intensity until it’s back to a meditative tone. As I could tell we were near the end I stepped outside and waited. I haven’t had such a workout in a long time and my legs were tired!

Afterwards, some of the attendees gathered to go to a nearby waterfall, Namtok Wang Sai. Amy and I joined them. It felt great to sit in the cool water after such a hot and sweaty dance. Then we went to Secret Beach for some fantastic fish tacos and coconuts.

Amy is really maximizing our time here in Koh Phangan. We have another musical event next, Kirtan. This one involved sitting on the floor carrying out chants led by a band in front. We brought some extra cushions from our hotel because I can’t sit on the floor for more than 10 minutes. With yoga mats, 2 cushions and a yoga block I managed to sit for over an hour. It’s moving to be part of a group of people all vulnerable enough to sing/chant aloud. Chalking up all kinds of new experiences here in Thailand!

After Kirtan, Amy reconnected with some old friends (pretty sure she knows everyone here) then we walked over to Orien for some cheesecake before walking back to the hotel.

Check out this beautiful sunset!

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