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Railay Beach, Thailand – Day 1

February 1, 2023

As is often the case, I woke up to many messages this morning. Today included some from Yvonne that had us both laughing. Great way to start the day!

I stopped by the ATM, then checked out of Smiley Dome Camp in Khao Sok and waited for my bus to Ao Nang. Still not used to paying cash for everything. Glad I opened a Schwab Checking account before leaving for Thailand so I don’t have to pay 220 baht in withdrawal fees every time.

Despite being picked up 25 minutes late and our driver pausing for a smoke break, I made it to Ao Nam Mao pier an hour before scheduled. I’m totally okay with transportation companies under promising and over delivering. I took the long boat to Railay Beach for 100 baht. 15 minutes on the boat and a 2 minute walk to my hotel.

Long boats are very loud. Sit to the front. Forgot that when I got on this one, but at least I sat on the side with a view. 

I’m staying at the Princess Resort for about $50/night, including breakfast. This makes it my second most expensive hotel after Koh Phangan. This hotel, though, is worth it. You know it’s good when they bring you a complimentary drink when checking in.

I took the 5 minute walk to the other side of Railay Beach, window shopping for some cooler clothing. It’s hot and sunny. On the main walking street I ran into Harry and Niall from Khao Sok. They’re on the hunt for some rock climbing shoes.

I picked up a couple of things then caught up on posts from the last few days. I figured I’d go back out for sunset after I showered and got a chance to cool off. Before I knew it I missed sunset, so I ventured out a bit late for dinner. Mistake. Apparently everyone goes to dinner after sunset, so every place was full. While browsing menus out front a diner gestured I should eat there, so I found the last table and had fresh spring rolls and a glass noodle salad.

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